Welcome to www.forestsbfp.nic.in

What is SBFP?

"The SBFP is a project to strengthen the biodiversity conservation activities and the forest management capacity, and to improve livelihood for the local people who are dependent on forests by promoting sustainable biodiversity conservation, afforestation and income generation activities including eco-tourism for the community development, thereby contributing environment conservation and harmonized socio-economic development of Sikkim."



Forest & Biodiversity Conservation

It aims to enhance the global, social, and economic value of biodiversity and improve livelihoods in and around protected areas (PAs), buffer zones, and reserved forests.

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This component is designed to develop and improve the sector for the benefit of local forest fringe communities while ensuring environmental conservation. It focuses on ..

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Joint Forest Management

This component aims at improving the management of forests and the conservation of biodiversity through the engagement of forest fringe communities...

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